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Use of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders for Multinational Research: Translation Efforts and Reliability Assessments in The Netherlands

  • Frank Lobbezoo1,*,
  • Maurits K. A. van Selms1
  • Mike T. John2
  • Kimberly Huggins3
  • Richard Ohrbach4
  • Corine M. Visscher1
  • Jacques van der Zaag1
  • Marylee J. van der Meulen1
  • Machiel Naeije1
  • Samuel F. Dworkin1

1Department of Oral Function, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2Department of Prosthodontics and Material Science, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

3Department of Oral Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

4Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences, University at Buffalo, New York, USA

DOI: 10.11607/jofph.19301 Vol.19,Issue 4,December 2005 pp.301-308

Published: 30 December 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): Frank Lobbezoo E-mail:


Aims: To outline the steps taken to conduct and to culturally adapt Dutch translations of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) history question-naire, clinical examination form, and verbal instructions to the patients, and to assess the reliability of the clinical examination. Methods: For the linguistic translation from English into Dutch, the forward and back-translation approach was followed. For cul-tural adaptation, an expert panel reviewed the translation, and a pretest was performed on a small clinical sample. Examiner train-ing and calibration were carried out, and the clinical reliability of a “gold standard examiner” and 3 clinicians was assessed on 18 symptomatic TMD patients and 6 asymptomatic controls. The order of the examinations was based on a quasi-random Latin square design. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were cal-culated to assess the overall interexaminer reliability of the clinical examination. Results: A linguistically valid and culturally equiva-lent translation of the RDC/TMD into Dutch resulted from the above-outlined procedure. As for the clinical reliability, the ICC values obtained could mostly be considered “excellent” or, less frequently, as “fair to good.” Poor reliability was found only for some of the palpation tests. For uncommon diagnoses (disc dis-placement without reduction and without limited mouth opening; osteoarthritis), no reliable ICC value could be calculated. Conclusion: The mode described by the authors for preparing clinical sites for RDC/TMD-based research is a feasible one.


clinical examination; questionnaire; reliability; temporomandibular disorders; translation

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Frank Lobbezoo,Maurits K. A. van Selms,Mike T. John,Kimberly Huggins,Richard Ohrbach,Corine M. Visscher,Jacques van der Zaag,Marylee J. van der Meulen,Machiel Naeije,Samuel F. Dworkin. Use of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders for Multinational Research: Translation Efforts and Reliability Assessments in The Netherlands. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2005. 19(4);301-308.


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