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The Relationships Among Depression, Pain, and Masticatory Functioning in Temporomandibular Disorder Patients

  • Robert J. Gatchel1,2,3,*,
  • Anna W. Stowell4
  • Peter Buschang5

1Department of Psychology, College of Science, University of Texas–Arlington, Arlington, Texas

2Departments of Anesthesiology & Pain, Management, The University of Texas Southwestern, Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas

3The University of Texas Southwestern, Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas

4The Eugene McDermott Center for Pain Management, Departments of Psychiatry and Anesthesiology & Pain Management, The University of Texas Southwestern, Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas

5Department of Orthodontics Baylor College of Dentistry, The Texas A&M University System, Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas

DOI: 10.11607/jofph.20288 Vol.20,Issue 4,December 2006 pp.288-296

Published: 30 December 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Robert J. Gatchel E-mail:


Aims: To evaluate the effect of comorbid depression and pain on an early biopsychosocial intervention for acute temporomandibu-lar disorder (TMD) patients. Methods: Depressed (either current or lifetime; n = 32) or nondepressed (n = 31) acute TMD patients received a biopsychosocial intervention, and were evaluated at preintervention and again 12 months postintervention by Characteristic Pain Intensity, the Beck Depression Inventory, and a masticatory function test. Results: Findings revealed that both depressed and nondepressed patients reported comparable pain decreases at 12 months postintervention. Moreover, there were no significant differences between patient groups in masticatory func-tion. Conclusion: With appropriate early biopsychosocial inter-vention, acute TMD patients, regardless of the presence or absence of vulnerability to depression symptomatology, can be effectively treated.


biopsychosocial; depression; intervention; masticatory function; pain; temporomandibular disorders

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Robert J. Gatchel,Anna W. Stowell,Peter Buschang. The Relationships Among Depression, Pain, and Masticatory Functioning in Temporomandibular Disorder Patients. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2006. 20(4);288-296.


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