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Association Between Rhythmic Masticatory Muscle Activity During Sleep and Masticatory Myofascial Pain: A Polysomnographic Study

  • Leylha Maria Nunes Rossetti*,
  • Carlos Dos Reis Pereira de Araujo
  • Paulo Henrique Orlato Rossetti
  • Paulo César Rodrigues Conti

1Department of Prosthodontics, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil

2Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Universidade do Sagrado Coraçao, Bauru, Brazil

DOI: 10.11607/jofph.22.3.03 Vol.22,Issue 3,September 2008 pp.190-200

Published: 30 September 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): Leylha Maria Nunes Rossetti E-mail:


Aims: To test for an association between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep, as assessed according to polysomnographic criteria for sleep bruxism (RMMA-SB), and myofascial pain (MFP), as well as the chance of occurrence of MFP in patients with RMMA-SB. Methods: Thirty MFP patients (diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders) and 30 age- and gender-matched asymptomatic controls underwent a polysomnographic examination. Also, any self-reporting of daytime clenching (DC) was registered in 58 of these subjects. Results: Most MFP patients reported mild or moderate pain (46.67% and 43.33%, respectively), and only 3 (10%) reported severe pain. Pain duration ranged from 2 to 120 months (mean 34.67 ± 36.96 months). Significant associations were observed between RMMA-SB and MFP as well as between DC and MFP. Conclusions: (1) RMMA-SB is significantly associated with MFP; (2) although RMMA-SB represents a risk factor for MFP, this risk is low; and (3) DC probably constitutes a stronger risk factor for MFP than RMMA-SB.


myofascial pain syndromes; polysomnography; risk; sleep bruxism

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Leylha Maria Nunes Rossetti,Carlos Dos Reis Pereira de Araujo,Paulo Henrique Orlato Rossetti,Paulo César Rodrigues Conti. Association Between Rhythmic Masticatory Muscle Activity During Sleep and Masticatory Myofascial Pain: A Polysomnographic Study. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2008. 22(3);190-200.


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