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The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. I: Overview and Methodology for Assessment of Validity

  • Eric L. Schiffman1,*,
  • Edmond L. Truelove2
  • Richard Ohrbach3
  • Gary C. Anderson
  • Mike T. John
  • Thomas List4
  • John O. Look

1 Univ Minnesota, Sch Dent, Dept Diagnost & Biol Sci, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA

2Univ Washington, Dept Oral Med, Seattle, WA 98195 USA

3SUNY Buffalo, Dept Oral Diagnost Sci, Buffalo, NY 14260 USA

4Malmo Univ, Dept Stomatognath Physiol, Malmo, Sweden

DOI: 10.11607/jofph.24.1.02 Vol.24,Issue 1,March 2010 pp.7-24

Published: 30 March 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): Eric L. Schiffman E-mail:


Aims: The purpose of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Validation Project was to assess the diagnostic validity of this examination protocol. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the project’s methodology, descriptive statistics, and data for the study participant sample. This article also details the development of reliable methods to establish the reference standards for assessing criterion validity of the Axis I RDC/TMD diagnoses. Methods: The Axis I reference standards were based on the consensus of two criterion examiners independently performing a comprehensive history, clinical examination, and evaluation of imaging. Intersite reliability was assessed annually for criterion examiners and radiologists. Criterion examination reliability was also assessed within study sites. Results: Study participant demographics were comparable to those of participants in previous studies using the RDC/TMD. Diagnostic agreement of the criterion examiners with each other and with the consensus-based reference standards was excellent with all kappas ≥ 0.81, except for osteoarthrosis (moderate agree-ment, k= 0.53). Intrasite criterion examiner agreement with reference standards was excellent (k ≥ 0.95). Intersite reliability of the radiologists for detecting computed tomography-disclosed osteoarthrosis and magnetic resonance imaging-disclosed disc dis-placement was good to excellent ( k= 0.71 and 0.84, respectively). Conclusion: The Validation Project study population was appropriate for assessing the reliability and validity of the RDC/TMD Axis I and II. The reference standards used to assess the validity of Axis I TMD were based on reliable and clinically credible meth-ods. J OROFAC PAIN 2010;24:7–24


diagnostic criteria;gold standard;reference standard;temporomandibular disorders;temporomandibular muscle and joint disorders;validity

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Eric L. Schiffman,Edmond L. Truelove,Richard Ohrbach,Gary C. Anderson,Mike T. John,Thomas List,John O. Look. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. I: Overview and Methodology for Assessment of Validity. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2010. 24(1);7-24.


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