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Entropy of Masseter Muscle Pain Sensitivity: A New Technique for Pain Assessment

  • Eduardo E. Castrillon1,2,*,
  • Fernando G. Exposto1,2
  • Hitoshi Sato3,4
  • Tomohiro Tanosoto5
  • Taro Arima6
  • Lene Baad-Hansen1,2
  • Peter Svensson1,2,7

1Section of Orofacial Pain and Jaw Function, Department of Dentistry, HEALTH, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

2Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences (SCON), Malmo, Sweden

3Department of Dentistry & Oral Physiology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

4Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan

5Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

6Division of International Affairs, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

7Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden

DOI: 10.11607/ofph.1756 Vol.31,Issue 1,March 2017 pp.87-94

Published: 30 March 2017

*Corresponding Author(s): Eduardo E. Castrillon E-mail:


Aims: To test whether manipulation of mechanical pain sensitivity (MPS) of the masseter muscle is reflected in quantitative measures of entropy. Methods: In a randomized, single-blinded, placebo-controlled design, 20 healthy volunteers had glutamate, lidocaine, and isotonic saline injected into the masseter muscle. Self-assessed pain intensity on a numeric rating scale (NRS) was evaluated up to 10 minutes following the injection, and MPS was evaluated after application (at 5 minutes and 30 minutes) of three different forces (0.5 kg, 1 kg, and 2 kg) to 15 different sites of the masseter muscle. Finally, the entropy and center of gravity (COG) of the pain sensitivity scores were calculated. Analysis of variance was used to test differences in means of tested outcomes and Tukey post hoc tests were used to adjust for multiple comparisons. Results: The main findings were: (1) Compared with both lidocaine and isotonic saline, glutamate injections caused an increase in peak, duration, and area under the NRS pain curve (P < .01); (2) A pressure of 2 kg caused the highest NRS pain scores (P < .03) and entropy values (P < .02); (3) Glutamate injections caused increases in entropy values when assessed with 0.5 kg and 1.0 kg but not with 2.0 kg of pressure; and (4) COG coordinates revealed differences between the x coordinates for time (P < .01) and time and force for the y coordinates (P < .01). Conclusion: These results suggest that manipulation of MPS of the masseter muscle with painful glutamate injections can increase the diversity of MPS, which is reflected in entropy measures. Entropy allows quantification of the diversity of MPS, which may be important in clinical assessment of pain states such as myofascial temporomandibular disorders.


entropy; mechanical sensitization; musculoskeletal pain; pain assessment; palpation

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Eduardo E. Castrillon,Fernando G. Exposto,Hitoshi Sato,Tomohiro Tanosoto,Taro Arima,Lene Baad-Hansen,Peter Svensson. Entropy of Masseter Muscle Pain Sensitivity: A New Technique for Pain Assessment. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2017. 31(1);87-94.


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