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Simultaneous Noxious Stimulation of the Human Anterior Temporalis and Masseter Muscles. Part II: Effects on Jaw Muscle Electromyographic Activity

  • Magda Amhamed1
  • Terry Whittle1
  • John A. Gal1
  • Greg M. Murray1,*,

1Univ Sydney, Jaw Funct & Orofacial Pain Res Unit, Fac Med & Hlth, Sydney Dent Sch,Westmead Hosp,Ctr Oral Hlth, Westmead, NSW, Australia

DOI: 10.11607/ofph.2300 Vol.33,Issue 4,December 2019 pp.426-439

Submitted: 10 September 2018 Accepted: 19 March 2019

Published: 30 December 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): Greg M. Murray E-mail:


Aims: To test the hypotheses that, in comparison to control, the effects of simultaneous noxious stimulation of the right masseter and anterior temporalis muscles on jaw muscle activity (1) vary with the task; (2) are different between different agonist or antagonist muscles involved in a task; and (3) are correlated with mood or pain-related cognition scores. Methods: In 15 asymptomatic participants, recordings were made of jaw movement and electromyographic (EMG) activity of the right digastric and bilateral masseter and anterior temporalis muscles during standardized open/close and free and standardized chewing tasks. The tasks were repeated in three blocks: block 1 (baseline), block 2 (during simultaneous infusion of 5% hypertonic or 0.9% isotonic saline infusion into the right masseter and anterior temporalis muscles), and block 3 (infusion sequence reversed). The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales questionnaire was completed prior to the experiment, and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale was completed before and after the experiment. Linear mixed-effects model analysis compared root mean square (RMS) EMG activity under baseline, hypertonic saline, and isotonic saline (control), and Spearman correlations between RMS and psychologic scores were calculated. P < .05 was considered significant. Results: The significant effects of pain on the activity of a jaw muscle varied with the task, were different between different agonist and antagonist muscles in a task, and were significantly correlated with some of the psychologic scores. Qualitatively, the effects noted in a particular muscle could be different between different participants. Conclusion: Simultaneous noxious masseter and anterior temporalis stimulation results in changes in jaw muscle activity that can vary with the task, the muscle, the participant, and some psychologic variables.


electromyography;jaw;mastication;masticatory muscles;pain;psychological scales

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Magda Amhamed,Terry Whittle,John A. Gal,Greg M. Murray. Simultaneous Noxious Stimulation of the Human Anterior Temporalis and Masseter Muscles. Part II: Effects on Jaw Muscle Electromyographic Activity. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2019. 33(4);426-439.


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