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Refractory Orofacial Pain: Is It the Patient or the Pain?

  • Tara Renton1,*,

1Department of Oral Surgery, 4th floor, Dental Institute, Kings College London, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, United Kingdom

DOI: 10.11607/ofph.3009 Vol.35,Issue 4,December 2021 pp.317-325

Submitted: 09 May 2021 Accepted: 08 July 2021

Published: 30 December 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Tara Renton E-mail:


Aims: To highlight and discuss the term “refractory” when used to describe pain conditions and its application to orofacial pain, as well as to highlight the factors that must be considered in a refractory patient. Methods: A scoping review of recent publications (2010 to 2021) applying the term “refractory” to orofacial pain was conducted, and this paper presents their limitations and definitions. Results: The term “refractory” is often used to describe pain instead of “persistent” or “nonresponsive.” There are clear definitions in the use of refractory for migraine, cluster headaches, and other nonheadache disorders. Currently, the term is applied to pain conditions in order to alter the patient pathway of treatment, sometimes to escalate a patient from one care sector to another and sometimes to escalate treatment to more costly surgical interventional techniques. Conclusion: There is a need for a clear definition for use of the term “refractory” in orofacial pain conditions, excluding migraine and cluster headaches. In addition, there is a requirement for a consensus on the implications of the use of refractory when assessing and managing patients.


nonresponsive; orofacial; pain; persistent; refractory

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Tara Renton. Refractory Orofacial Pain: Is It the Patient or the Pain?. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2021. 35(4);317-325.


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