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Guide device to assist in performing arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint—a preliminary study

  • Waseem Abboud1,2,3,*,
  • Shoshana Reiter4
  • Pessia Friedman-Rubin5
  • Dror Shamir2
  • Oren Peleg1,6

1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 6997801 Tel Aviv, Israel

2Unit of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Bnei Zion Medical Center, Affiliated to Technion Faculty of Medicine, 3339419 Haifa, Israel

3Department of Neurology, Sheba Tel-Hashomer Medical Center, Institute of Movement Disorders, Affiliated to Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 5262000 Tel Aviv, Israel

4Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, and Maxillofacial Imaging, Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 6697801 Tel Aviv, Israel

5Department of Oral Rehabilitation, Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 6697801 Tel Aviv, Israel

6Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sourasky Medical Center, Affiliated to Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, 6423910 Tel Aviv, Israel

DOI: 10.22514/jofph.2025.012 Vol.39,Issue 1,March 2025 pp.128-133

Submitted: 22 September 2024 Accepted: 11 November 2024

Published: 12 March 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Waseem Abboud E-mail:


Background: Arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) requires inserting an arthroscope and a working cannula into the joint cavity. Working cannula introduction and positioning require high levels of expertise. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was performed on patients with closed lock of the TMJ who underwent arthroscopic lysis and lavage. A total of 15 subjects participated in this study, with 6 in the study group using the Locator-Positioner guide device (LOPO) and 9 in the control group using triangulation. The main outcomes included: (1) Number of attempts necessary for successful cannula insertion. (2) The time between arthroscope insertion and the appearance of the working cannula on the monitor, and (3) Overall surgery duration. Results: A successful cannula insertion took an average of 2.1 attempts in the study group compared with 3 attempts in the control group (p = 0.045). Study group arthroscope insertion to monitor appearance of cannula took 2.3 minutes, whereas control group took 4 minutes (p = 0.039). A total of 14 minutes was spent on surgery in the study group compared to 16.5 minutes in the control group (p = 0.009). Conclusions: LOPO device improved both the insertion of the working cannula into the TMJ and its positioning relative to the arthroscope throughout surgery. It reduced insertion attempts and shortened the surgery duration. Clinical Trial Registration: the study was registered at, identifier: NCT 06520917.


Arthroscopy; Arthroscopic surgery; Temporomandibular joint; TMJ; Internal derangement; Guide device

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Waseem Abboud,Shoshana Reiter,Pessia Friedman-Rubin,Dror Shamir,Oren Peleg. Guide device to assist in performing arthroscopic surgery of the temporomandibular joint—a preliminary study. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2025. 39(1);128-133.


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