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Evaluating headache referral trends and practices across different settings in neurology clinics: insights from an international cross-sectional multicenter study

  • Hamit Genc1,*,
  • Derya Uluduz2
  • Hayrunnisa Bolay3
  • Betul Baykan4
  • Isin Unal-Cevik5
  • Najib Kissani6
  • Otgonbayar Luvsannorov7
  • Mansoureh Togha8,9
  • Asena Ayca Ozdemir10
  • Aynur Ozge11
  • on behalf of the Head-MENAA Study Group

1Neurology Clinic, Health Application and Research Center, Gaziantep City Hospital, 27470 Gaziantep, Türkiye

2Department of Neurology, Medical Faculty, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, 34098 Istanbul, Türkiye

3Department of Neurology and Algology, Faculty of Medicine, NOROM, Gazi University, 06560 Ankara, Türkiye

4Neurology Clinic, EMAR Medical Center, 34367 Istanbul, Türkiye

5Department of Neurology, Headache and Pain Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, 06100 Ankara, Türkiye

6Neuroscience Research Laboratory in Marrakesh Medical School, Department of Neurology, Cadi Ayyad University, 40000 Marrakech, Morocco

7Department of Neurology, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, 14210 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

8Department of Neurology, Sina Hospital, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 1417613151 Tehran, Iran

9Department of Headache, Iranian Center of Neurological Research, Neuroscience Institute, 1983969367 Tehran, Iran

10Department of Medical Education, Mersin University, 33343 Mersin, Türkiye

11Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Mersin University, 33343, Mersin, Türkiye

DOI: 10.22514/jofph.2025.019 Vol.39,Issue 1,March 2025 pp.187-195

Submitted: 21 October 2024 Accepted: 21 November 2024

Published: 12 March 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Hamit Genc E-mail:

About author: on behalf of Head-MENAA study group: M. Cakan, AK Ak, F Celik, MO Orun, D Seker, A Kucuk, S Ozkan, M Kiraz, TC Sirin, R Ocal, HA Hakyemez, MO Yener, VA Serim, N Cinar, ED Unal, FM Domac, MF Ates, BG Turkoglu, G Gursoy, S Cekic, SK Aslan, D Agircan, AC Oktar, EA Demirel, P Gelener, EAA Ibrahim, A Evlice, G Gorken, ZS Sanli, BRH Bayır, N Tepe, T Okluoglu, TG Demir, MY Badr, D Vuralli, E Jafari, B Polat, A Ermis, E Khanmammadov, O Yolcu, B Kul, F Sakadi, S Ulutas, T Akturk, MT Ketema, S Lala, APSA Cedric, SK Velioglu, O Kirbasoglu, RR Moustafa, AG Nowar, SC Kabay, VK Gumanovna, YM Yifru, S Nasergivehchi, I Azizova, O Kizek, E Ekizoglu, EK Orhan, D Melka & B Alemayehu.


Background: Misdiagnoses often lead to suboptimal therapeutic approaches, making early and accurate diagnoses by experts crucial for effective headache management. This study primarily aims to investigate the referred patient profiles with headaches to optimize diagnostic and referral approaches. Methods: In this cross-sectional multicenter international study, sixty-nine neurologists from 13 countries evaluated headache patients referred to neurology clinics (NCs). Researchers recruited patients on different weekdays selected by the research randomizer program for five consecutive weeks in April and May 2022. The clinicians collected data on various factors such as age, sex, headache characteristics and accompanying symptoms using the Head-MENAA study questionnaire and the International Classification of Headache Disorders-3 (ICHD-3) criteria. Patients were grouped according to the settings as emergency services (ESs), other specialty clinics (OSCs) and private offices (POs) in which they were evaluated. Results: A total of 3722 individuals out of 12043 evaluated in NCs had headache complaints. Among them, 15.07% consisted of patients referred to neurology by these three different settings. 14.8% of them were referred from ESs, 16.58% from OSCs, and 68.64% were applied to POs. While there was not a significant difference between groups regarding the mean age, the proportion of male patients in the ESs (49.4%) was higher than those in OSCs (26.9%) and POs (23.1%) (p < 0.001). Headache severity was higher in the ESs and POs than in the OSCs and Neurology Outpatient Clinics (NOCs) (p < 0.001). Primary headaches were the reason for consultation in 89.2% of patients in the ESs, 90.3% of patients in OSCs and 93.5% of patients in POs, migraine without aura being the most common headache type in all groups. Conclusions: This study suggests that preferences for admission and referral may vary based on demographic characteristics, types and severity of the headache, as well as accessibility and availability of different settings.


Referred patients; Headache severity; Headache frequency; Lifetime pain duration; Primary headaches; Secondary headaches; Neurology clinic; Emergency service; Specialty clinic; Private office

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Hamit Genc,Derya Uluduz,Hayrunnisa Bolay,Betul Baykan,Isin Unal-Cevik,Najib Kissani,Otgonbayar Luvsannorov,Mansoureh Togha,Asena Ayca Ozdemir,Aynur Ozge,on behalf of the Head-MENAA Study Group. Evaluating headache referral trends and practices across different settings in neurology clinics: insights from an international cross-sectional multicenter study. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache. 2025. 39(1);187-195.


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